Handbook of Special Tests in Musculoskeletal Examination An evidence-based guide for clinicians
Preț: 168,00 lei
Disponibilitate: la comandă
Autor: Paul Hattam & Alison Smeatham
ISBN: 9780702072253
Editura: Elsevier
Anul publicarii: 2020
Ediția: 2
Pagini: 296, 190 illustrations
Despite growing reliance on imaging, clinical examination remains the bedrock of diagnosis of the musculoskeletal patient. Special tests have widespread utility particularly in sport and can often help to elucidate a patient’s presentation where the lesion is subtle and otherwise difficult to detect and, in turn, guide management and treatment. Special Tests in Musculoskeletal Examination 2nd Edition is a pocketbook guide to over 100 peripheral tests.
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